What's New (current),
 Archive (2015, 2014, 2013), Archive (2013, 2012), Archive (2011, 2010) 
What's New (blog)

------   What's New (at this site) follows ------
See note on Welcome page about
the site undergoing changes which will
be listed soon.

10/08/2024 -- Machine learning; Birthplace of the U.S. Navy; Past and present; ... von Neumann, Hopper; ,,,

08/31/2024 -- Hugging face; Geometric Science of Information; ...

08/02/2024 -- Three weeks; Oregon, by land; Why is 2024 so quiet?.  

05/29/2024 -- Memorial Day, 2024; Human intuition.

05/14/2024 -- A few posts: Spring in Dorset, UK; LA feature due to Bunker Hill West, High-rise corner; Peirces featured.

04/26/2024 -- Posts: Geertruida de Haas-Lorentz; Winter ice cooling Dodge City beer; On data and types.

03/09/2024 -- Women's History Month.

02/29/2024 -- Lots of work, as shown by posts. Finally, restructuring and bringing focus to Salem of 1636 due to new data. Also, we will pay more attention to overseas work while doing our general work.

02/09/2024 -- Site is under transition. See post "Current status" with respect to our research and its focus.

01/28/2024 -- Busy. Posts: Longhunter; New England in LA; Ten Years ago

01/01/2024 -- Recent post: Opinions count?

12/30/2023 -- GB XIII 2 published. Posts: Thomas Gardner, Puzzle; Boston Tea Party.

12/28/2023 --
GB XIII 2 is expected to publish on 12/30/2023.

12/26/2023 -- Recent posts: What do we know?; Dartmouth '99.

12/05/2023 -- Recent posts: AI, not solely machine learning.

11/24/2023 -- Recent posts: Gloucester, 2nd year; GitHub as an example.

11/18/2023 -- We have been busy. See posts for October. And, this one on next year: Transition year, 2024.

09/28/2023 -- We will use LA (SoCal) to feature interactions with New Spain. This comes as we regularly have and will traipse through the southwest. Forget the northwest? Nope. Except, the west of the south was really out there bordering the Pacific. The northwest of the Yankees? Chicago, let's say. Long way away from any coast. Wait, technology allowed the Atlantic to send boats that way. The last two posts were about travel from the east to the west across the country. Too, we point to a publishing company still in business. And, note that "express" was a common theme to those whose insights helped fund the expansion and the development of the country. Posts: Times-Mirror; Another Adams.

09/14/2023 --
GB XIII 1 published on 09/14/2023. Looking at Bard, comparatively.

09/04/2023 -- GB VIII I did not happen in August. Hopefully, soon. We are getting into technology and its wasteful ways. Related post: Alchemy and AI. See papers on AI work. ...

07/31/2023 -- Gardner's Beacon, Vol. III, No. 1 is in the works.

05/07/2023 -- Sherborn, MA: a town to know. Emerson, himself, went to the left coast.

04/30/2023 -- Posts: Fairmont Hotel; California, Golden State; To and from New England; ...

04/19/2023 -- Recent posts: San Francisco; Go West. We will be removing Cape Ann from the scope of Thomas Gardner and Margaret Fryer. We may return it for Thomas Gardner when we show that he came over the 1st year.

04/02/2023 -- Post summarizing our status: Research Notes.

03/20/2023 -- We will be editing Sherborne research after we let this new information sink in. There are many more questions to replace those that might have been answered. The FAQ will be updated. Does the gap (three years) between the birth of John and Samuel allow time for participation in the activity of the Dorchester effort at Cape Ann? 
Too, could Thomas Gardner not being in the "old planter" list indicate his status of having left after being at Cape Ann? Associated with this would be: what was the status of Margaret and the kids (Thomas, George, Richard, and John) while Thomas was away from Sherborne? Did the bap record for John indicate a delayed report by Thomas after he (or even they) got back?  ... There will be more questions.

03/13/2023-- Finally got back to WikiTree. Here is a summary: New not old planter. Need to assimilate this before determining how to adjust our research goals.

03/13/2023 -- Margaret Fryer, wife of Thomas Gardner, and her family will be researched was we extend out focus to the Families of Cape Ann.

03/09/2023 -- Henceforth, we will feature Margaret Fryer (see the header at this site and the portal). equally with Thomas Gardner. Margaret, the mother of nine children (start with Thomas and follow the links), eight of whom had progeny. Sarah (Gardner) Balch's mother-in-law came with Margaret on the same ship in 1624. We are researching progeny of each child, for Sarah: Benjamin Balch (c. 1730s) – first Chaplain, Continental Navy; William Balch (c. 1770s) – first Chaplain, U.S. Navy. His father was first chaplain of the Continental Navy; his grandfather had been a chaplain in the Royal Navy; Adolphus Greely (c. 1840s) – American Polar explorer, recipient of the Medal of Honor; John Henry Balch (c. 1890s) – United States Navy, World War I, Medal of Honor, Lieutenant, World War II. Seeth (Gardner) Hill married (first) Joshua Conant, son of Roger Conant.

03/04/2023 -- It's Women's History Month. Last month was Black History Month. We will pay more attention to the Awareness Months this year.

02/11/2023 -- Some recent themes have been: ChatGPT (example of a theme needing lots of attention of various types); How Great? (is the U.S.?); The Americas (mentioning the work of a Thomas Gardner descendant). Technology will be our focus.

01/15/2023 -- Current research: American dream, Charles Thomson, and Research and learning.

01/02/2023 -- Update the metrical view and added a summary post for 2022.

12/31/2022 --
GB XII 3 published on 12/30/2022. Reviewing presentations, such as blog posts. Will organize Gardner Beacon's presentation (new mobile support plus legacy).

12/30/2022 -- Lots of research to report. See November and December posts. GB XII 3 will be published before 2023.

11/12/2022 -- Sampling through posts in reverse order, here are some of interesting themes: Trails and tracks, Veterans Day, and October posts. We had 11 posts for September and 8 for October with a count of 82 for the year.

10/06/2022 -- See new site (TGSoc.org/site/) for status of our reconfiguration. It will be marked as "alpha/beta" as we proceed; all content will be available under our original site (ThomasGardnerSociety.org) or our portal (TGSoc.org). Right now, GB_XII_2 and GB_XII_1 are available to be browsed in the new format.

09/30/2022 --
This newsletter issue, Gardner's Beacon, Vol. XII, No. 2, looks at blended families and continues the theme of using a PDF with links for presentation. We added a mobile friendly version of this issue on WordPress: Gardner's Beacon, Vol. XII, No. 2. As well, we have been updating issues to have embedded links to support research and verification. This Table provides a look at the status of these modifications. Recent posts look at England and US, the Higginson family, and others.

09/14/2022 -- Researching continues. Blog post counts for 2022 are April (10), May (7), June (6), July (7) and August (8). We have continued the Harvard series with the last two posts being of particular interest. Yesterday, our technology post was on Programming languages. We are working on Gardner's Beacon, Vol. XII, No. 2.

04/17/2022 -- Looked at an early Harvard Head (Benjamin Wadsworth). Also, we will get more involved with looking at Cape Ann families, such as that of Roger Conant. A recent story of a boatman who went missing gave us a chance to look at Roger's descendants. The boatman was Dickie Conant who had traversed some of the waterways that we have been looking at with respect to the western expansion and with regard to waterways being transport means as well as barriers.

04/05/2022 -- Lorenzo and Peggy represent a significant part of the underrepresented of the U.S. after the Revolution. That is, after the beginning on the east coast followed by the western expansion, we learn of the commercial efforts and military domination. Filling in the interior with those with religious fervor lost favor, it may appear. There are a few other classes of people needing attention, as well, as we consider the U.S. and its influence in the world, past, present and future.

03/30/2022 -- T
his newsletter issue, Gardner's Beacon, Vol. XII, No. 1, continues the theme of Volume XI using a PDF with links for presentation.

03/09/2022 -- We get to look at content vs configuration, again. March is Women's History Month. The Gairdner Foundation is awarding special prizes to women of science. Continuing our look at the Head of Harvard, we look at Drew G. Faust and John Leverett.

02/19/2022 -- We discuss a Magna Carta for the technical world and its influence on us. As well, we continue our look at the Heads of Harvard (Mather, Hoar, and Locke).

01/17/2022 -- Starting 2022, we acknowledge Weymouth as the 2nd colonial site, not far from Plymouth. We will be looking at families and events there throughout the year. Abigail (Smith) Adams was born in the area. As well, we continue with the Harvard theme: A(bbot) Lawrence Lowell who was of the Boston Brahmins. Getting back to the nautical theme, we point to a video that illustrates life at sea.

01/01/2022 -- Updated metrics for 2021 blog entries. The blog will be the working focus which will support an indexing via Gardner's Beacon (example: GB, XI, 2 PDF). This year, we will be doing technical extensions to the portal (https://TGsoc.org) and the other resources. 

12/30/2021 -- This newsletter issue, Gardner's Beacon, Vol. XI, No. 2, continues the theme of Volume XI. A popular TV series has us relooking at Yellowstone.

12/20/2021 -- Last of the fall for 2021. Charles Dickens, Ralph Waldo Emerson and Harvard is a thread worth looking at. Also, FB/Meta guy putting almost 0.5B into Harvard for study of intelligence, natural and artificial. Finally, we are still doing U.S. particularities.

12/10/2021 -- We have a lot of material on the U.S. Interior which points to more work to be done. Continuing our look at the History of Harvard with respect to the 400 years of U.S. History related to New England and through the Heads of Harvard. We add in The Willards.

11/27/2021 -- This newsletter issue, Gardner's Beacon, Vol. XI, No. 1, has links in the PDF format demonstrating a possible means to structure persistent data through time. As one looks over the digital landscape, fluidity reigns. Perhaps, too much. 

11/24/2021 -- Happy Thanksgiving, everyone. We have been busy all year with research of various types and are working to release Gardner's Beacon, Vol. XI, No. 1, soon. Will have one more issue for the year. A recent post had a technological flavor and considered our favorite site plus some thoughts on China's role, comparatively.

11/20/2021 -- Continuing the look at Harvard with a featured post on Eliphalet Pearson. Also, looking at the London view, via Sam Dunn, who drew up a map of North America in 1974. There are several topics to dive into with regard to this topic. We look at generations and modern technology (AI). Plus, the older technology of railroad will be considered (say, the KATY). Earlier, we looked briefly at CW Eliot of Harvard.

10/10/2021 -- Looking at the History of Harvard, informally and with respect to the 400 years on this shore of it, people in the surrounding area, and more.

10/02/2021 -- Looking at JT Kirkland's history, as he was head when Count Rumford's donation came in. Several notions about Modern Genealogy need some attention and discussion. We have more information about Oregon in the days of the wreck of the barque Bostonian. DAR/SAR's look at the 250th will be accompanied by a Patriot to Passenger (Mayflower) database.

09/18/2021 -- We looked at JB Conant's lineage, remembering that Seeth married Joshua Conant. Their son died leaving no issue. In our research in New Hampshire, the Dudley family kept showing up. New Hampshire will be considered in parallel with Massachusetts as we look at the 400th anniversaries. It was started soon after Winthrop's arrival. The Two houses post looks at a Patriot and a Loyalist in the Gilman family. 

09/14/2021 --  A lot has been going on.The year end rushes forward. Where did the time go? Over the summer, we had 25 blog posts. Gloucester is getting ready for their moment in the spotlight. Weymouth is next  year. We have added Completeness to our work so as to be more aware of hidden history. After all, the modern age's contributions are being facilitated web-wise.

08/09/2021 -- Time goes on. Gloucester (Essex County) MA has 2023 in its sight for starting festive modes for all of the County. ... TGS Research continues. We looked west of the Mississippi for a long while. And, south, mainly the southwest. But, we will step back and look at how things unfolded in that area east of the Mississippi but west of New England where they were thinking that it was the northwest (Michigan, 200 years ago). Of course, technology will be on the plate.

07/17/2021 -- Additional topics for posts in June 2021 included: Pace of change, TE Lawrence. Topics for July 2021 include: Carving the land, Content and its management.

06/19/2021 -- Topics for posts in June 2021 include: HMS Resolute, The Naumkeag, Paper Trails, and Shipwrighting.

05/30/2021 -- William S. Bent (Trapper, Trader, Rancher) is an example of those who were early out west. We will look at all of the conflicts endured over the 400 years with an emphasis on family involvement.

05/12/2021 -- Upcoming celebrations will help drive research. Caleb Haskell's diary is an example of things to look at further. However, the whole of the frontier experience will be a constant theme.

04/11/2021 -- Wentworth-Gardner House, in Portsmouth, NH; Rendezvous and more.

04/01/2021 -- Recent posts: Pre-Civil War, San Antonio to San Diego; Hectoring; Abraham and Robert.

03/17/2021 -- Victory Gardens long before WWI. A particular type of turmoil: Prior and next. New Spain deserves lots of attention with respect to colonial times and there turmoils.

02/26/2021 -- We will look further at the Dorchester Company and its association with Thomas Gardner. Also, we continue a look at our rivers and their care.

02/16/2021 -- In February, we have several posts along the same line: American cousins, Mississippi and Fox Rivers, New France, Other new attempts, Rivers and more. We will look further at New Spain before jumping into some details about the two Gardners involved with the fur trade (early 1820s) through St. Louis which we'll look at (having lived there for a while and ignoring the history - New England bias?).

02/02/2021 -- Our research will look across the pond (British cousins) to find influences here (Queen Anne). Somewhat, the motivation is the 400th celebrations coming up.

1/30/2021 -- Maine was 200 years old last year. Also, what is the American Dream?

01/19/2021 -- We will be updating the Wikipedia pages in the near future.

12/29/2020 -- On 12/29/1674, Thomas Gardner died in Salem. 
Vol X, No 2 of Gardner's Beacon (post) was released recently. The issue summarizes our view of the internet, its use, and the TGS, Inc. role in the future. As well, we look at the children of Thomas and Margaret, with a further look at the 4th son, John.

12/27/2020 -- Dr. Frank's research into the Massachusetts Regiments involved in the Revolution was recognized by Charles Alcott Flagg of the Library of Congress in his book, An Alphabetical Index of Revolutionary Pensioners Living in Maine.

12/19/2020 -- Some posts with a technical focus: Web'ingEthics and value. We are invo
lved in our year-end activity and looking forward. Wishing all a Happy New Year. We have added a 'tip jar' to facilitate support which points to our 'donate' page. 

12/14/2020 -- This is our 11th December. Things have really changed the past decade. Some recent posts: Adams cousins, All that Louisiana brought, America's lost generation.

10/28/2020 -- Vol X, No 1 of Gardner's Beacon (post) was released recently.
The issue summarizes our new knowledge about Margaret and her family. We are ready to begin to establish lineages for descendants and will have general membership activity as well as continue our research.
10/24/2020 -- Ongoing focus (Gardner's Beacon, Vol X, No 1) will be records Sherborne, Dorset, UK. An added focus will be on writing a report for the NEHGR with respect to Walter Friar and Grace Mullins (their marriage, his Will), daughter Margaret Friar (her birth), Thomas Gardner (their marriage), and the first of the boys born in Sherborn. Then, the family is no longer in the area (shown by the cessation of any more records).

10/14/2020 -- Descendants of Richard, 175th for the NEHGS, No brick wall, and more.

09/29/2020 -- Coming up,
Vol X, No 1 of Gardner's Beacon (post).

09/03/2020 -- We will be back on a more regular basis. Featured Research and the associated pages will be reorganized. Lots to do. In August, we had twelve blog posts. Three of them started a look at the Sarah, Thomas, Richard (strange order?). Then, we looked at the interior movements that were after Lewis & Clark trek. We had considered the water modes (ship from Boston wrecking off the coast of Oregon after it had gone around the Cape and ventured to New Zealand and back to San Francisco - still have some pending articles on this boat), plus the trekkers (of a real type, like Jedediah Strong Smith). But, Boone, too, was phenomenal. One tale has him guiding some folks to the Yellowstone area from Missouri when he was in his 80s. Tales? Etc. We are still pursuing the 'portal to truth' (from all levels, regarding truth engineering, a must for the sustainable future of computing). 

08/09/2020 -- The 250th of the U.S. Revolution is coming up about the same time as we think about Conant's move from Cape Ann to Naumkeag. On looking at generations, it was the Fifth Generation who bore the brunt of this ordeal, with some help from the Fourth. Those who first enjoyed the fruits of the new country were the Seventh Generation, one might say. We will always be looking at origins and motivations. Too, some recent work has us looking closely at the population movements after the country was born. We can use the Cumberland Passes for a focus with the intent to fully appreciate the hardships overcome.

07/11/2020 -- Notice that there have not been many updates. Not from inactivity. Rather, busy learning how to go to the future, motivated by lots of happenings of late. Now, we're getting our sea-legs (hopefully) and will be more active in supporting TGS, Inc. Example: American Ancestor database, Deeper dive, and a lot more.

06/11/2020 -- Back to DNA II, as a Gardner project weighs in. Memorial Day came and went, as we were barely out of lockup. The 4th of July is right around the corner. Will there be an early resurgence?

05/30/2020 -- The theme now will be related to going forward. Fortunately, the experience of the past two months is full of potential modes of study which could be truly interdisciplinary. We now have a good handle on issues related to proof of heritage albeit with a broader view of what that means. The little crew in Cape Ann represented only a minority of the populace of the time, however, in the large, we can cover the whole of the planet, step by step. So, we will have some focus on particulars, however the whole of the picture related to the experiment of the U.S. in relation to the world will be more major. This type of research is one of our goals, that is, defining such and supporting the necessary efforts, along with providing means for regular reporting, discussion, and ongoing analysis using technology smartly.

05/04/2020 -- We are almost done with the sixth week of the shelter-in-place event which was more like stay-at-home (except for essential reasons) and felt like a lock down. But, the downtime afforded opportunities to do a lot of pending tasks which normally get pushed down by things of 'higher' priority. Part of the time was getting more familiar with the issues of genealogist/registrar duties and tasks from a hands-on mode. Of course, the lessons learned will be put to use with the TGS, Inc. Recent overview: Vanity genealogy. You know, about all disciplines have some type of biographical look at the parties. In terms of the Magna Carta, on Wikipedia, we added in links so that someone could trace families (related to the Sureties, etc.) through the generations. In the TGS, Inc. case, we are interested in the 'American experience' as seen from a perspective that stressed the contributions of New England (both of the north and the south). BTW, we're back to work with respect to the future of the TGS, Inc.

03/13/2020 -- Looking forward to supporting Essex County and The Commonwealth as the 400ths start and continue to roll for decades.  

03/03/2020 -- Working on Volume V, Number 1 of The Gardner Annals. We have sufficient material now to re-edit into a format suitable for publication as reference.

02/25/2020 -- Took off the old 'under renovation' sign as we will introduce changes in a controlled mode without interruption. Looking at the burial of Jonathan Wilson who is a great-grandfather of Dr. Frank. Jonathan and his wife, Prudence Goldthwait, are buried at the Howard Street Burial Ground.

02/12/2020 -- We will look at the families of Cape Ann. Frances Rose-Troup handled the busyness side of things for us. We also like to look at places: Gardner, IL.

02/02/2020 -- As we move toward the Cape Ann (1623/24) and Salem (1626/27/28) look backs related to the starts, think of 400 years. However, we also will pass the 250th of the American Revolution. Those ought to go hand in hand. Then, one might expand that view and include the 300th, 200th, and 100th anniversaries. We have looked at all of these from time to time and will take a closer look: American 100s.

01/17/2020 -- Several blogs about the theme of the future: Presence and such, Gardner's Gate, and Houses are homes. Plus, research continues: Margaret's family and First five.

01/01/2020 -- Vol IX, No 3 of Gardner's Beacon (post) was released recently. The issue summarizes the year's activity and includes some focus on our ten years of work. Future plans are considered.

12/31/2019 -- Index of posts, decade of work: 2018,17,16; 2015,14,13; 2012,11,10.

12/29/2019 -- Thomas Gardner died on this day in 1674. We're coming  up on our 10th year of work. Looking forward to the next decade. Lots to do. For example, get a new look for our Research page.

12/17/2019 -- Silence at the Research page does not indicate inactivity. See Git'Hub (Portal to truth) for several modes of work that we have been doing.

11/26/2019 -- Happy Thanksgiving. The 1st one was in Virginia: First Thanksgiving. This was before the Mayflower crew and passengers showed up. Salem is weighing in by starting an annual affair: Salem Ancestry Week. Since we are coming up on the end of 2019, we're reviewing everywhere. We'll continue to blog. We'll have a TGA issue soon. Too, we'll meet next year in New England. Lots more. Stay tuned.

11/11/2019 -- Updated FindAGrave to point to Greenlawn. Dr. Frank is buried in the Gardner/Bennett plot that had its first burial in 1880 and its last one recently. Too, have two obituaries of Dr. Frank. Will be updating his material further as we are hearing from other researchers.  

10/28/2019 -- Making progress with our improvements, including restructure: Support for TGS, Inc.

10/21/2019 -- The Thomas Gardner Profile (and that of Margaret Frier) on WikiTree will be updated with respect to origins and departures. This does not mean that the research need has gone or that the subject has been closed. We will continue our work in this and other related areas.

10/08/2019 -- Sidney figured out that the hangings in 1692 had been on a ledge to the side of Gallows Hill. However, the hill, itself, is part of a sweep of higher elevations that included Gardner's Hill (taken down, with the graves) and Ledge Hill which is southeast of Harmony Grove Cemetery. See this post (Gallows Hills) for a 1818 painting from the hill showing, somewhat, what Thomas would have seen. Two hundreds years, earlier, of course. He could see the water, just like he said. We'll map this out with a few more tidbits settled.

09/30/2019 -- We're planning for, and putting together, the next issue of The Gardner Annals (Vol. V, No. 1). We will add sections related to on-going themes: art, tech, and biz. Research continues unabated with a long list of topics needing attention. As an aside, there will be media of various sorts brought to bear. We are using WikiTree to document Dr. Frank's tree. That is an example of good computer usage. As we get trees established, sourced, and verified, we will be able to do lots of studies, including fill in pieces for people who might relate to those ones being studied. Or, we might consider just general mappings. An example is this little study of the relationship twixt Boris and Edward III. Work gets done when there is something to study, interested people, and funds. Sidney Perley commented on this when he noted that he did 95% or more of the work that went into the Salem Antiquity. Perhaps, the computer and tools thereof can make things more palatable to those who research.

09/14/2019 -- This year, Charter Street Cemetery will not be open during the Halloween season. We lost Gardner's Hill where the burial plot was located. However, in the Charter Street Cemetery, there is an 'implicit' Gardner Annex, mentioned several times by Dr. Frank. We'll look into that further and add the other cemeteries in Salem (Essex country?) on the list. Dr.Frank is buried in Harmony Grove Cemetery, so we already had that in view. 

08/30/2019 -- This month, we have taken a brief look at Seeth (Gardner) Conant Grafton, the in-laws of Samuel (through his wife's mother's marriage to George Corwin), the blog Streets of Salem to which we have made comments, and followed up on a photo that was in 'Images of Yore' (a Facebook group). The person in the photo turned out to be Thomas Needham Gardner who is a great-uncle of Dr. Frank. Some time was spent GitHub'ing along.

08/09/2019 -- We're starting a GitHub to get the necessary modes accomplished for biz and tech as we reconfigure. See PortalToTruth. Idea is to leverage off of a couple of other projects that will use the same theme.

08/02/2019 -- Several posts added to the image index. The lastest on a randomly picked descendant: Ezra Pound.

07/16/2019 -- Added form for mailing orders and contributions. 400th planning in full swing: Salem sponsored a meeting of representatives of the early towns.

07/09/2019 -- As part of the re-construct, looking to improve the management of the processes, using modern methods while continuing to blog about choices and results.

07/04/2019 -- Vol IX, No 2 of Gardner's Beacon (post) available. The issue continues our review over the past ten years which leads to renovation of our processes and sites and discusses some future activities. The 400th is coming up. Thomas deserves a monument? Other questions abound. 

06/24/2019 -- Until further notice, we will be re-constructing the site, somewhat, in order to get ourselves set for new functions. We will use 'biz' for busyness activity; our technology blog is being moved under 'tech' (both of these at our Portal to truth). This initial effort will not take long. A more involved restructure will occur from time to time as we adjust to technology decisions. Some errors  might be handled by the '404 message.' Please excuse us while we make improvements. 

06/23/2019 -- Researched Lt. Benjamin West who was killed at  Bunker Hill. Added entries from Chronicles of Old Salem into our text scroll at our Portal to truth. While researching Sidney's Antiquarian work, noted that he had a reason to discontinue the activity. We did get his History of Salem as a consequence.

06/01/2019 -- Before Memorial Day, did some work on WikiTree to support linking a grave in Saugus, MA of a Civil War veteran with records of his family. FindAGrave has a huge lapse in getting updates done. We're starting doing technical work related to non-profit business. We'll use our DevLog to comment on the process.

05/17/2019 -- We're diving into Sidney's The Essex Antiquarian. As we do, we'll pay attention to his maps (How close is close II?) and his transcribed text of records. Example of that is reading about land transactions, such as the area around Massey's Cove.

05/01/2019 -- The plate does not show Gardner Hill but the view away from it in one direction. There was a bridge in the scene (Dr. Frank used Gardner's bridge) that had several names. It was over North River which had several names, too. On searching, several images and articles have shown up including a recent effort called the South Danvers Observer which has historical information (directory of the issues) that we can use. The latest search results have allowed us to identify the direction of the view plus some historical details.

04/26/2019 -- Planning for the 400th for Gloucester (Cape Ann) has kicked off. As an example of digging deeper, a researcher from France is following General Lafayette's return trip in detail. And, we saw the copy of the 1907 book by Dr. Frank that was dedicated to his father, Stephen Wilson Gardner. There is a plate, early in the book, that shows Gardner Hill. We will analyze this more, but the painting that is reproduced in the plate was done in 1826. That would have been after the sale by a descendant of Samuel; also, it was after grave stones had already been moved.

04/06/2019 -- So far this month, 170 images on the index, from the portal and here. Also, we're looking at the History of New England and starting with the 1st year of Thomas and Margaret in New England. We will be stepping through this family history from the beginning. 

03/27/2019 -- At the time of the start of New England, there was general turmoil on the planet, later named the "General Crisis" by a 20th Century scholar; too, we will be looking closely at collateral families, as we mentioned early on. We were contacted by a great-grandson of Dr. Frank.

03/20/2019 -- Added text to our portal (to truth) that was printed in The Gardner Annals, Volume I, Number 1. The first group went from 1592 to 1674 which is Thomas' life span. And, the topics relate to New England and its start.

03/07/2019 -- Reminder. This table provides a comparison of the persons in the books of Dr. Frank A. Gardner. All persons are marked with their number. The table resulted from a free evening where I had both books in hand. It is a brief sketch that will be reformatted as we work the process for descendant identification and verification. It is obvious from this comparison that Dr. Frank covered his line as much as he could in 1907 and added in those lines that he could contact, get information from, and verify. Later, the 1933 book looked a little further at George's line.We want to fill this in further. Up to 1900, say. Too, we want to start some biographies of current descendants or some ancestors that a two or three generations back.

02/21/2019 -- Vol IX, No 1 of Gardner's Beacon (post) available. The issue looks at the past ten years and its milestones, discusses some future activities, and asks the question: Where is Thomas? Which question will be researched, and reported, until we feel that all aspects of the issue have been lifted to awareness. Future researchers are a huge motivational factor.

02/19/2019 -- Black History month has us looking at New England's roles. Dr. Frank's 1907 book has been reprinted reminding us that we need to bring it up to date.

01/23/2019 -- In our steps toward more functionality, turned on SSL: https://www.tgsoc.org/. Going through the sites to get all pages fully encrypted.

01/21/2019 -- If you look at Content Management or CMS at the truthengineering blog or the one for the Thomas Gardner Society, Inc. (CMS or Configuration), you will see lots of posts related to those themes. We can use our new site to we prove our work in this regard: TGSoc.org. Its role is (will be) portal but, for now, we introduce changes there, first. See the Discussion page with a link to our devlog. Based upon the direction I hear that Google is going (based up the Nov. 2018 developers' conference), working the approach that we have taken for our portal is right on. So, technical will be visible rather than not, as it ought to be, really. 

01/20/2019 -- The Thomas Gardner Society, Inc. is now registered as a Google Non-profit. Before using their facilities, we will be looking more closely at the architectural issues for our systems.

01/13/2019 -- Added a "search" facility to help build an index view. We are looking to use Google Developers' approach in improving our site. 

01/03/2019 -- We are looking at the future, near and far. For one thing, resolve the burial issue. Also, preparing for the 400ths.

12/26/2018 -- Our perspective ought to be over 15 generations, as we work associate Thomas Gardner contributions in the framework of culture, history, and technology.

12/14/2018 -- Vol VIII, No 2 of Gardner's Beacon (post) available. The issue looks at 2018 activities and accomplishments plus some on-going and future research.

12/06/2018 -- Several things: New Twist, Gardiner, OR, Summaries, and Rev John White. All of these imply work which is stacking up. More on the workload next year.

10/29/2018 -- Print of Vols III, IV TGA;-- Vols IV, V, VI, VII GB is available for ordering.

10/24/2018 -- We are going through the next step in our evolution: CMS and more. In 2012, we moved from MS OfficeLive to Web Hosting Hub, basically due to its Linux basis. However, too, we described the issues related to various views being important, such as content being more important than configuration (the old anti-McLuhan bit).

10/11/2018 -- If you look at the TGS site, you'll see a start of an index using images. The first one goes to the Welcome post from 2010. While doing these, I have been looking at updates that need to be done, such as the additional information about the marriage of Thomas and Margaret. Too, I see that we need to look more closely at Rev. Hubbard and his work. He mentioned Thomas. One has to think of what we would know without that first attempt (he wrote in the 1600s, finished his manuscript in the 1670s).

09/24/2018 -- Notice the improved image handler on the main page of TGSInc, TGSoc, and Publications.

09/23/2018 -- Recently the Profile for 
Thomas Gardner on WikiTree changed to only have the two wives. This was due to research and discussion to which Gardner Research contributed. Earlier, there was a post that summarized the issue and accomplishment: Margaret, anew. Thanks are extended to all who made this update possible. The Profile is managed by the Puritan Great Migration Project sponsored by the NEHGS, publisher of the Great Migration books.

09/22/2018 -- Updating the Publication page to point to "Comment and Criticism" to handle discussion of content and errors related to publishing and printing The Gardner Annals. We will continue use "Afterthoughts & Modifications" for Gardner's Beacon. 

09/15/2018 -- Dr. Frank and WikiTree.

08/17/2018 -- The 2nd wife of H.D. Gardiner, owner of the barque Bostonian that wrecked off of Oregon in 1850, was Caroline B. Turner (see note this day at this post) of Maine and not Caroline C. Turner of Nantucket.

07/30/2018 -- Our theme: Culture/History/Technology. We'll take some inspiration from the work of people running the commemorative group for Jedediah Strong Smith (original mountain man, out west from New England).

07/14/2018 -- It is time to look at Whence, again; I have been getting familiar with the area of southwest England. The Dorchester writeup that was in the Rev. John White page moved from ancestry. Here it is: https://dorsetcountymuseum.wordpress.com/2013/11/28/the-founding-of-dorchester-massachusetts-and-the-rev-john-white/. Notice, Elizabeth has no son, Thomas, however it says that her husband came over and returned.

06/28/2018 -- Going forward, our topics of interest: culture, history, and genealogy. Too, the TGA, Vols III and IV, print is in the works. And, we will be organizing to be a persistent source of information.

06/18/2018 -- The Gardner Annals, Volume IV, Number 1,  published. Contents: The Massachusetts Magazine,  updating an article in the Essex Genealogist, Gardner and the Tudors, and Pending Research: Pseudo-wall, The Atlantic, Nathaniel Eaton. 

06/09/2018 -- Vol VIII, No 1 of Gardner's Beacon (post) available. The issue discusses celebrations: Memorial Day (Civil War), 4th of July (Revolutionary War), and Cape Ann (to be).

05/26/2018 -- Setting up to get more flexible and responsive using TGSoc.org.

05/23/2018 -- Hand-written chart of Dr. Frank's parentage. Will do an ahnentafel for his mother's side of the family.

04/03/2018 -- A friend, F.W. Bailey, of Dr. Frank worked out a format for ancestral information publication. We will be reviewing one of these books soon. F.W. advertised in the Spirit of '76 which was an early voice of S.A.R.

02/16/2018 -- We have more information dealing with the demise of The Massachusetts Magazine in 1918. Not only were Dr. Frank's cohorts passing on and there was the draft of WWI that started in 1917, the Spanish flu epidemic began its incursion of the east coast in the Boston area in the late summer of 1918. World-wide, there were 500 million people made sick; of those, over 50 million died. The first case in the U.S. had been at Fort Riley in Kansas in March of 1918.

01/20/2018 -- This month, 100 years ago, there was the last issue of The Massachusetts Magazine. This effort by Dr. Frank and friends published, quarterly, for ten years. We will cover the rest of the Table of Contents in the TGA Vol. IV).  

11/30/2017 -- Vol VII, No 2 of Gardner's Beacon (post) available. The issue reports on our research and publication efforts.

10/26/2017 -- Print of Vols I, II TGA; Vols I, II, III GB is available for ordering.

10/11/2017 -- Working on our 1st printing: Vols I, II TGA; Vols I, II, III GB.

08/09/2017 -- Read about Dr. Frank's friends (Col Thomas W. Higginson, et al) plus Count Rumford.

06/25/2017 -- Vol VII, No 1 of Gardner's Beacon (post) available. The issue reports on The Old Planters Society and contributors to The Massachusetts Magazine. 

06/23/2017 -- Gardner Research work cited in The American Genealogist. Expect more discussion about Nathaniel Eaton in the near future.

05/25/2017 -- Put in link to PDF of Dr. Frank's genealogy. His Gardner grandparents were Benjamin Brown Gardner and Lucy Foster Gardner.

04/20/2017 -- We will be restructuring our website, using TGSoc.org.

04/05/2017 -- Reprint from the recent The Gardner Annals: Bosworth and Gardners. Also, time for review and overview.

03/13/2017 -- We will be doing threads (full perspective) from then to now in order to foster discussions about what is the American dream. Rev. John Wise is not a bad place to start.

02/23/2017 -- Reprints from the current The Gardner Annals: The Massachusetts Magazine, Magna Carta (800th Anniversary), Flyover country, ...

01/23/2017 -- We plan two issues of The Gardner Annals this year. Looking for suggestions on articles. We will have reprints (example, article on Dr. Frank's TMM). Also, Gardner Research interim report will be re-organized and status'd via the blog.

01/15/2017 -- Updating support tools. Pondering site configurations. ...

12/07/2016 -- The Gardner Annals, Volume III, Number 1,  published. Contents: Gardner history, the 200th anniversary of the westward movement, The Massachusetts Magazine, Magna Carta, and DNA. The issue provides a summary of research status as well as providing some results. 

12/04/2016 -- Vol VI, No 2 of Gardner's Beacon (post) available. The issue reports on research done in 2016 and looks at future plans. Featured are Bosworth and Gardners, Flyover Country, The Massachusetts Magazine, the Magna Carta, and DNA processing. 

11/20/2016 -- We need to get flyover country a little better known. It may be out in the middle of nowhere. Where lonely cemeteries are a common thing. People drive by, at a high rate of speed. The stones sit. But, this is not entirely wilderness. It is highly productive farm land, in many cases.

06/18/2016 -- Vol VI, No 1 of Gardner's Beacon (post) available. The issue summarizes upcoming 200th look backs. 

09/10/2016 -- Extreme tide uncovers millstone that is likely from an early Gardner mill in Salem.

06/17/2016 -- Recent posts: Westward Ho, Bosworth and more, The almost forgotten, and more. 

04/28/2016 -- Tidbits, such as errata.

03/30/2016 -- Follow blog for current information.

01/28/2016 -- We will include maintenance of pages on findagrave on our regular todo list. Dr. Frank is buried in Harmony Grove Cemetery, Salem, MA.