Gardner's Beacon(TM) has an information, and coordination, focus for the Thomas Gardner Society, Inc. Currently, each issue contains a summary of Society business activity, an overview of research results, some specifics related to research findings, an overview of a topic of interest, and a list of descendants. (Sources & Bibliography)
Current issue ** Afterthoughts & Modifications
All Volumes: Table of Contents, Index, Search
Volume I
(2011)Volume II
(2012)Volume III
(2013) Thomas and Margaret Gardner -- Spring
St. Valentine's Day -- February Before the Arrival -- March Gardner Patriots -- Summer Gardner and the Sea -- Spring Spirit of Independence -- July Margaret's House -- Fall War of 1812 -- Summer Dorchester Company -- Fall Gardners & 1692 -- Halloween Houses -- September First generation -- Winter New England Christmas -- Winter 1692, again -- Halloween
Celebrations, Annals -- Winter
Volume IV
(2014)Volume V
(2015)Volume VI
(2016) Cape Ann -- Spring
Review, future -- Spring
New England, Trails west -- Spring
Thomas Gardner Society, Inc. -- Summer
Research, Mass Mag -- Fall
Bosworth, Flyover, ... -- Winter
Gardner Annals/Research -- Fall
Contents/Index -- Winter
Volume VII
(2017)Volume VIII
(2019) Old Planters Society -- Summer
Publications -- Fall
Memorials, celebrations -- June
Activities, Accomplishments -- December
Where is Thomas? -- WinterReview, renovate, future -- Summer
A decade? -- Holidays
Volume X
Volume XI
Volume XII
Margaret Fryer, Cape Ann -- Fall Ways & means -- FallModes & methods -- Holiday Recurrent means -- MarchBlended families -- FallLong reach -- WinterVolume XIII
(2023)Volume XIV
(2024)Volume XV
(2025) Technology, AI -- SummerWhat happened? -- Holidays TGS Summary -- Holidays **
I - 5, II - 6, III - 4, IV - 4, V - 2,VI - 2, VII - 2, VIII - 2,
IX - 3, X - 2, XI - 2, XII - 3, XIII - 2, XIV - 1
See for additional information.