Mary Genevieve Currigan
Abraham Berger
See image of Page 68 at bottom.
Mary Currigan -- U.S. Census
1910 - Oswego, KS with family----
1920 - Parsons, KS with family
1930 - Kansas City, MO in household of Julius M. Price
1940 - Portville, NY in household of William Dusenbury. She was keeping house for the two brothers whose mother (Dusenbury family) had died.
Abe Berger -- Find a grave #146714901
Abe's father was Benjamin Berger (born in Russia, ca 1861).
Benjamin arrived in New York with his father. They are in 1880 U.S. Census.
Abe's mother was Esther who died in 1989 (Find a grave - #36813259).
Ben and his father worked in Missouri (St. Joseph and K.C.) for Bernheimer Brothers; the company opened in 1884 in Baltimore (Main Street, 1894, K.C). Abe's draft card for WWI gave his birth date as July 3, 1986 and has the family living in St. Joseph, Mo.
There is U.S. Census data for Abe and his siblings.
rved Last modified: 05/14/2015 04:29:30